Blended Learning: know what it is and why to apply it!

Learn how to apply this teaching method to your online training and courses.

Have you ever heard the term blended learning?

If you work in the education sector, you've probably come across one of these terms: hybrid teaching, blended learning or b-learning.

Literally translated into Portuguese, the term means blended learning, i.e. teaching that combines face-to-face and online classes.

Blended Learning: concept

It's a form of blended learning that has become increasingly widespread among the country's leading institutions.

This is due to its model, which brings together the active methodologies made possible by distance learning technology with the practice and interaction of face-to-face classes.

Integrating extra activities, reading, games and diversified content, this teaching method provides students with an excellent learning environment, designed for maximum enjoyment.

In addition, it has wide teaching versatility, an example of which is its applicability options with an emphasis on classroom teaching or through an e-learning platform.

In any case, the basic principle is that both modalities should go hand in hand, in an integrated way, extracting the best from each of the learning models.

And while some time ago many teachers were wary of the emergence of new technologies and their possible impact on the education sector, today they understand how essential it is to introduce new learning tools.

This is because we are facing a growing population of digital natives, users who were born in the digital age, who are extremely technologically savvy and easily able to learn in the online world.

What changes in hybrid education?

The traditional face-to-face teaching model has suffered sharply with the advance of new technologies and the constant recession in the economy.

On the other hand, the distance learning model still has its limitations in terms of student support and teaching methodology.

For example, in distance learning classes many students find it difficult to interact with their tutors and in certain subjects they find it difficult to absorb the content.

In face-to-face teaching, on the other hand, the high cost of tuition and the high demand on time often prevent students from continuing.

Thus, blended learning has emerged precisely to unite these two environments and provide quality and versatile teaching for students, extracting the best from each of the teaching modalities.

Operating costs are lower, students become more involved in the learning process by gaining autonomy to interact, suggest content and carry out extra activities, and time optimization becomes a major differentiator.

How does blended learning work in practice?

Anyone who thinks that hybrid teaching is only about online videos and discussion forums or face-to-face classes with videos is mistaken.

This type of teaching aims to go further and the format options for producing content are numerous: webinars, skills tests, gamification, individual activities, online classes, debates, dynamics, forums or chats for interactions between student and teacher, in other words, a real exchange of experiences.

In short, b-learning seeks to bring together the best of both worlds in their proper proportions and limitations.

Remember that in order to fit into this model, the course must include face-to-face meetings at least once a month, otherwise it is a distance learning course.

Extremely versatile and adaptable, hybrid teaching manages to extract the best from the abilities of different student profiles, respecting their needs and limitations.

An example of this versatility is its synchronous or asynchronous applicability. The concepts seem complicated at first, but in reality they are quite simple. Check out the main characteristics of each:

Synchronous interaction

A learning model in which teachers and students necessarily carry out activities at the same time, in sync.

It is known for providing greater interaction between students and teachers, with doubts solved in real time, productive debates that can be held online or in person, and the exchange of information between students provides full use of the content and instigates the search for knowledge.

It can be applied in various formats and the most common are: live webinars, classrooms, chats or even study groups created on certain social networks.

The possibility of personalizing learning by introducing new technologies into the traditional face-to-face model helps to understand the limitations of each student and exploit these aspects in the digital learning environment.

With extra activities, videos or even quizzes, students can fully absorb the content, transforming the traditional passive learning model into a lighter, more up-to-date version for the market.

Asynchronous interaction

The asynchronous model is known for its flexible schedules and the possibility of individual learning, according to each student's time.

It is made up of content such as: online classes, reading recommendations or individual activities, content that does not need to be consumed simultaneously with students and teachers, the student literally learns in their own time, where they can absorb and reflect on the subject with peace of mind.

Doubts, positive points and activities are brought to the classroom every month, where students and teachers list and solve the main difficulties encountered in each content.

One of the models most widely used by large institutions, its great advantage is the flexibility of timetables, where students can develop activities according to their available time, absorbing relevant content on their own, which makes face-to-face meetings more productive for both parties.

In addition, the teacher has full access to the student's development and can intervene and suggest supplementary materials if necessary.

What are the benefits of hybrid teaching?

There are numerous benefits to this teaching method, among the main ones:

  • Its interactive model: the student ceases to be passive in the learning process and begins to share the role of protagonist with the teacher/tutor and classmates, actively participating in the classroom, whether in person or virtually;
  • Active methodologies: far beyond the slides transmitted on overhead projectors, with active methodologies the student can practice and develop the knowledge acquired in their classes with games, activities, quizzes, videos and the like;
  • Greater autonomy: the possibility of deciding where and when to study makes life easier for many students with tight schedules. In addition, autonomy in the learning process provides more freedom in the relationship between student and institution.

One thing's for sure, blended learning is here to stay!

By understanding the limitations of each student in their learning process, providing quality teaching that extracts the best from online and offline, going from theory to practice, with flexible timetables and an affordable cost, hybrid teaching seems to have high potential to develop further and gain ground in the market.

How about trying to apply this model in your educational institution?

Some distance learning platforms offer a 7 or 7-day trial, so you can assess the feasibility of implementation and take a closer look at its endless opportunities.

Hotscool is one of these platforms and offers a 7-day free trial. Find out more!

Created in
27/6/2021 16:38
26/7/2021 7:16
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