Constant learning through training for companies

We have entered a very innovative era when it comes to work. Automation and AIs are becoming increasingly common in the daily life of a knowledge worker. As a result, many activities are becoming increasingly obsolete and employee knowledge is indispensable. Employees become apprehensive and anxious when their activities are replaced by mindless beings who do routine jobs much better.

Constant learning is the new concern for employees who want to keep their jobs or create a solid career. Companies that understand this need find corporate training a way to maintain employee engagement and increase productivity.

Sometimes the urgency of work suffocates the "luxury" of learning. Turning highly knowledgeable beings into "typewriters". How can we reverse this situation? By understanding the workflow and encouraging constant learning.

What is a workflow?

Each work has its own particularities. But it is possible to find a pattern amid the chaos. Knowledge professionals sit in front of a computer for more than six hours a day.

His daily activities include reading emails, communicating instantly with the team and searching for information. 

The idea is to establish a learning routine for employees within this workflow. Encouraging them, even rewarding them, for routinely accessing the training platform.

Create a "to learn" list

During the hours spent on the responsibilities of their respective job, it's natural for doubts or needs to arise that require a few hours of study. The employees who handle this situation best make use of a notebook of things they need to learn.

Some companies go one step further by creating a virtual environment to meet all these needs. In a second step, they create training geared to the needs of each individual in their organization.

Others are able to cross-reference the general needs of a given sector based on their "to learn" lists, and generate specific training for the group.

This is a key practice for implementing "learning in the flow of work".

Make time to learn

Learning is usually left for a few minutes late at night or very early in the morning. Learning is sometimes frowned upon and should be removed from an employee's daily life. 

This thinking is harmful to the growth of the company as a whole. And it can have an indirect impact on the company's turnover.

Large companies encourage their employees to take time to study during their working hours.

Contribute to the learning of others

Once you've mastered the subject, it's time to share it with others. 38% of online content is educational or informative.

Employees can maintain an information-sharing area with their coworkers, a personal blog or perhaps just a well-designed email.

Whatever the means of communication to present what has been discovered, the result is always the same - a noticeable improvement in the employee's performance.

Created in
10/2/2022 8:49
1/3/2022 9:00
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